Alessandro Anselmi, Santa Severina, Calabria, asilo nido. Domus 623 / dicembre 1981 . … There's a new way for architecture where all the figurative patrimony is placed «horizontally» in the field of our interests, as a set of possible choices for «logical» solutions to issues not only in the preservation of that particular heritage but also for the mutations into completely new compositional orders. An issue that places itself beyond the methodology of the Modern Movement in its traditional meaning, a «stylistic» passing that considers that movement in the same group of all other traditions, being mutated the point of view as a «functional» result to the new figurative reality. If we imagine all the qualities of tradition placed «horizontally» in our set of interests, our architecture will become a proper subset of logical choices, not in simple chronological nor accidental order, for the development of the modern language. Choices are made thr...